A Quick Mead
This recipe is from an old friend, now departed from this side of life. Thanks for sharing while you could, Walt.
- 5 lbs of apples
- 1 lbs honey
- large pot
- 1 package of dry yeast
- large (1 gallon or larger) glass jar
- muslin cloth or clean pair of hose
- 2 feet of siphoning hose
In the large pot, quarter apples add 1 gallon cold water. Put over medium heat and cook until apples are mushy.
Place cloth over gallon jar and strain juice thru. Put apples in a container and mash to a pulp. Place pulp in cloth and mash out juice.
When all the juice is collected, add 1 lbs of honey to hot juice. Let juice cool to 115 degrees and stir in yeast. Place in cool place and let stand for 1 week.
Then taste test. When ready, siphon off and bottle.
Makes 1 gallon of mead