Hallows 2017

Ash’s Jack O’Lantern for 2017
The year is winding down, nights are longer, colder now. It’s the fallow time, the harvest is done, or better be. What has been was sown has been reaped, and for better or worse, we must wear what we have sewn.1
Jack in the Green has come and gone, and the time of Jack Frost approaches. Jack o’ the Lantern light the path…
For quite some time, I’ve been taking a break from public pagan life, recuperating from several years of burnout, and the strains of teaching and running a coven for over 40 years. The time away has been good for me and it has allowed me time to focus on other things as well.
But the Wheel is turning, and the Old Gods have awakened, and are calling me back to their service, and so I stretch and reach, and begin to reacquaint myself with the larger Pagan Communities within the Puget Sound.
I don’t yet know if I will be teaching in the Craft any time soon or not. But the door has been unbarred and a candle set in the window.
Samhain2 approaches. A new cycle begins. Bright blessings.
- Malapropism by the character Eve Dallas in one of J. D. Robb’s “In Death” book series.
- Hallowe’en is the 31st of October; Samhain is either the entire month of November in the calendar, or several days around the setting of the Pleiades, around the mid-point of the astrological sign f Scorpio, 15° ♏ [The heliacal (near dawn) rising of the Pleiades in spring in the northern hemisphere has from ancient times augured the opening of the seafaring and farming season: while its dawn autumnal setting marked the season’s end.]