Gwen Thompson
During the early years of the 20th century Pagan Renaissance an enigmatic and colorful character named Gwen Thompson was publicly engaged at a high level with the resurgence of Witchcraft in the United States. She was a prolific correspondent with just about every figure in the fledgling Pagan movement and a frequent contributor to The Green Egg — a publication that was arguably the lifeline which bound the movement together during that early era. Gwen ran a small Coven out of her North Haven, CT home from which she mentored initiates in the lore she had inherited from her family line. At the time only a few others identified their Craft heritage as “Traditional Witchcraft.”
Not one to pull punches or be shy about her opinions, Gwen called it like she saw it and experienced it. Gwen Thompson passed to the Summerland in 1986 and the few published items available to the public are a handful of articles she submitted to the Green Egg. This “Virtual Interview” is a collection of excerpts from those articles. Please keep in mind that the original material was published over 30 years ago for a small and select audience.
Source: “Virtual Interview” with Gwen Thompson at The Witches’ Almanac.