Some updates and a fresh look
We’re doing some remodeling here. The basic look and feel of the site had not been updated in a very long time, and it was time to dust off the menhirs, straighten the capstones and make sure that the redcaps have been properly fed.
The blog posts now have their own dedicated page, “The Whispering Tree” with the featured image of an Aspen as the anchor for the blog. It’s an appropriate choice. Closely associated with the wind, the Aspen carries messages from the ancestors and offers deep understandings and a gateway into the worlds beyond our own and the realms of faerie. Kind of fitting, given the overall theme of both our coven and our purpose.
While we are still planning our relocation to New England in the near future, there is a discussion of opening our training Grove on a limited basis. This is also part of the impetus in updating the website with more current resources, as many of those listed are no longer current.
Among other planned updates will be a restoration of limited email capabilities within our domain name, and the possibility of expanding the Grove training program into a partially online meeting forum, such as a Discord server, although that is by no means a firm decision.
We shall see what falls out of the branches.