Moon Cycles
A New Moon rises with the Sun, Her waxing at midday shows. The Full Moon climbs at Sunset Hour, And waning half the midnight knows. Life takes on an added meaning when you match your activities to the waxing ande … Continue reading →
About Ash McSidhe
Ashleigh McSidhe, known for many years publicly as Moondancer, is an Elder High Priestess in the New England Covens of Traditionalist Witches, as taught and passed on by Lady Gwynne Thompson. She is also an initiate of other traditions of the Craft as well, dating back to her original initiation at Beltane 1973, in the Georgian Tradition of Wicca, and has a wide range of metaphysical interests. She and Raven have been together for over 4 decades. Follow her on, where she never uploads anything!
One of the most frequent questions asked on these groups if along the lines of “what kind of crystals do I need to buy?”, “Do I need to subscribe to a Wiccan box?” (that one took me a few minutes to process the first time I heard it, it’s a subscription service that will send you a box of “stuff” that you “need” to practice witchcraft. Uh, no.) and my favorite, “Where do I buy my tools and what do I need?”
Continue reading →A New Moon rises with the Sun, Her waxing at midday shows. The Full Moon climbs at Sunset Hour, And waning half the midnight knows. Life takes on an added meaning when you match your activities to the waxing ande … Continue reading →
By Walter De La Mare Of all the trees in England,Her sweet three corners in,Only the Ash, the bonnie AshBurns fierce while it is green. Of all the trees in England,From sea to sea again,The Willow loveliest stoops her boughsBeneath … Continue reading →
Our coven celebrates February 2 as Candlemas, following the custom of our parent Tradition; it is known by many other names, however – Brigidh, Imbolc, Oimelg, and others. The word Imbolc is said to derive from the Old Irish Imbolg meaning in the … Continue reading →
The lyrics of Harry Belafonte’s song echoes in my mind today. Not so much because they are topical – they aren’t – but because the last of the harvest is upon us. The Autumn Equinox is just past, and the … Continue reading →
Spotted at Dreamwidth Traditional_Witches. The questions are applicable to pretty much any Path. WHAT ARE YOUR DAILY PRACTICES? (?haptalaon posting in ?traditional_witches Feb. 27th, 2019 11:33) Meditation? Walking? Prayer? Something Else? Does weekly work better for you? Do you have … Continue reading →
Beltane always holds a special place in my heart, it’s the anniversary of my formal initiation into the Craft, back in 1973, in the Georgian Tradition of Wicca. This year, I’m traveling on Beltane Eve, flying back from a writers … Continue reading →
Do you keep a daily journal? Many esoteric orders require them as part of your studies. The Servants of the Light (founded by Ernest Butler, and until recently headed by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki) suggests the following format: Format for the daily … Continue reading →
May Eve, 1973: I’m standing at the edge of the Circle, bound and blinfolded, and I feel a sword touch my body. I involuntarily startle, even though I knew it was coming. I hear the questions, and make my responses. … Continue reading →
Allison Gross (Child #35) 1 O ALLISON GROSS, that lives in yon towr, The ugliest witch i the north country, Has trysted me ae day up till her bowr, An monny fair speech she made to me. 2 She stroaked … Continue reading →
The year is winding down, nights are longer, colder now. It’s the fallow time, the harvest is done, or better be. What has been was sown has been reaped, and for better or worse, we must wear what we have … Continue reading →
Earth-world, Underworld, Spirit-world. These are the Worlds that bind us. Flesh to the Earth. Soul to the Underworld. Spirit to the Spirit-World. And between the Three, only the Gods may travel without restriction. ~ (original) Etruscan funerary chapel inscription ~ … Continue reading →
The Use of Color in Magic – updated ©2001 By Arwynn MacFeylnnd and Moondancer (Ashleigh McSidhe); revised and expanded ©2016 Ashleigh McSidhe “Color is one of the most powerful of elements. It has tremendous expressive qualities. Understanding the uses of … Continue reading →