“Beyond The Fields We Know” is our category for things “not of mortal’s realm”.
Tales of the Fae, spirits of the land, sea and sky and others will be located under this general heading.
Beyond the Fields We Know is also a collection of fantasy short stories by Irish writer Lord Dunsany, considered a major influence on the work of J. R. R. Tolkien, H. P. Lovecraft, Ursula K. Le Guin and others. Edited by Lin Carter, it was first published in paperback by Ballantine Books as the forty-seventh volume of its celebrated Ballantine Adult Fantasy series in May, 1972. It was the series’ fourth Dunsany volume, and the second collection of his shorter fantasies assembled by Carter.
Two members of Steeleye Span (Bob Johnson and Pete Knight) wrote and produced a concept album entitled The King of Elfland’s Daughter, which was inspired by the book of the same name by Lord Dunsany; one of the tracks on the album in entitled “Beyond the Fields We Know”.
Some of the files formerly in this section, particularly the “fairy poems”, were part of the HTML static pages of our old website and they have not yet been converted to the new site.