Jump down, spin around
The lyrics of Harry Belafonte’s song echoes in my mind today. Not so much because they are topical – they aren’t – but because the last of the harvest is upon us. The Autumn Equinox is just past, and the … Continue reading →
The lyrics of Harry Belafonte’s song echoes in my mind today. Not so much because they are topical – they aren’t – but because the last of the harvest is upon us. The Autumn Equinox is just past, and the … Continue reading →
Beltane always holds a special place in my heart, it’s the anniversary of my formal initiation into the Craft, back in 1973, in the Georgian Tradition of Wicca. This year, I’m traveling on Beltane Eve, flying back from a writers … Continue reading →
May Eve, 1973: I’m standing at the edge of the Circle, bound and blinfolded, and I feel a sword touch my body. I involuntarily startle, even though I knew it was coming. I hear the questions, and make my responses. … Continue reading →
The year is winding down, nights are longer, colder now. It’s the fallow time, the harvest is done, or better be. What has been was sown has been reaped, and for better or worse, we must wear what we have … Continue reading →
is not the watch-word of the Craft. We are Witches, not physicians, and it is within the purview of the Witch to both heal and harm. Consider: when one heals, one is cursing illness, by banishing it from its host … Continue reading →
called by some Samhain, Hallowe’en and other names as well; I often refer to it as “Amateur Night”. The “end of the Celtic year” as the media informs us, along with much misinformation about its history, origins and such. I … Continue reading →
Padded Resumes. Why is it that people in the Pagan Community feel such an overwhelming need to “pad their résumés”, so to speak? This seems to be especially true of certain authors, notably those connected with a rather large, well-known … Continue reading →
EDIT: in reviewing this post, I realized that in the nearly 20 years since it was penned, some of our language styles and uses have changed. It will be updated for more clarity at the earliest opportunity. ~Ashleigh, 30 … Continue reading →
An Unpaid Political Announcement (For more on a somewhat related topic, please see Pagan Voters.) “One thing, however, is certain. Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year’s Presidential election, the … Continue reading →
This page was formerly (until Election Day 2000 in the U.S.A.) a part of Moondancer’s Mutterings. As the election has since passed, but I feel the information to be still valid and of importance, I’ve moved it to it’s own … Continue reading →