Who we are

Nemed Cuculatii is located in the Snoqualmie Valley of Western Washington and is part of the lineage of Lady Gwen Thompson of the New England Covens of Traditionalist Witches (NECTW). We offer study in the arcane sciences, especially as they relate to witchcraft, Spiritism, and divination. This coven is led by Raven and Ash McSidhe, who are Elders within the NECTW.

Nemed Cuculatii is known for its family-focused and small-group-based approach to witchcraft. Our apprenticeship program (some traditions call this an “outer court”) requires interested individuals to be located in the Puget Sound region of Washington State and be willing to travel to the Snoqualmie Valley for meetings and rituals and requires a minimum of a year of study and practice, which does not guarantee initiation into the coven.

See the additional information on Working With Us and basic information about Nemed Cuculatii and the NECTW.

From FRANKFURT, Germany - Relief of the Genii Cucullati (hooded deities) found in a shrine in the vicus, early 3rd century AD, Housesteads Roman Fort (Vercovicium) Date: Roman, c.225-50 AD Type: Religious relief Material: Local buff sandstone Place Made/Found: Built into a niche in a building in the settlement outside Housesteads Roman Fort in 1933 These 'genii cuculatti' (hooded spirits) are wearing the cucullus, a hood attached to the cloak. Their cloaks may be the 'birrus Britannicus', the woollen cloak that Britain was famous for exporting across the Empire. A genius is a spirit, and there could be genii of certain places, or activities. These Celtic deities were associated with fertility and prosperity.

We are often asked the significance of our name, and the robed figures shown prominently on our web pages. Our name (which is grammatically incorrect, we know) “Nemed Cuculatii” is derived from Romano-Celtic imagery known as the Genii cucullati, which is associated with protective entities often depicted as three hooded figures. Go here for more information about the Genii cuculati.

"the village elders" "Tea Time at an English Nursing Home is the official title of this postcard. We sometimes like to think of it as ourselves.
The Village Elders?

To contact us, see the information posted on the page “How to Contact Us.”