NOTE – 8 JULY: This list has been updated and where possible, links to a purchase source (often, Amazon) has been included. We may receive remuneration from these links, as we are an Amazon Associate. You are welcome to search for these titles from any other source you prefer, including your local booksellers.

Note also, that this menu topic is also a menu in itself, with links to other items we consider of importance. In a few instances, links may go to the Internet Archive for a book that is as available for loan through their library.

The following is presented solely as a suggestion for reading on the subject of Traditional witchcraft as well as some related subjects. It is intended neither as a comprehensive nor a complete list of works on the matter but is representative of the works we have found useful to our own study of the Craft. Not all of these title or authors are here because we think they are superlative or excellent. Many are here because we think their works may help you think critically, which is what we wish to encourage in you.

Abram, DavidThe Spell of the Sensuous
Adler, MargotDrawing down the Moon
Ankarloo, Bengt and Henningsen, GustavEarly Modern European Witchcraft
(Link goes to Internet Archive lending library)
Aveela, RonesaA Study of Household Spirits of Eastern Europe
Baribeau, Renee Winds of Spirit: Ancient Wisdom Tools for Navigating Relationships, Health, and the Divine
Bardon, FranzInitiation into Hermetics
Bogart, AnneWhat’s the Story: Essays about art, theater and storytelling
Chambes, IanThe Witch Compass: Working with the Winds in Traditional Witchcraft
Claude LecouteuxPhantom Armies of the Night
Coleman, MartinCommuning with the Spirits
 Coughlin, John J.Ethics and the Craft: The History, Evolution, and Practice of Wiccan Ethics
Davies, Morganna and Aradia LynchKeepers of the Flame
Davies, OwenPopular Magic: Cunning-folk in English History
Davies, Sioned (ed)The Mabinogion
DeGroot, BobFind and Talk with Spirits using a Pendulum
De Santillana Gand Von Dechend, HHamlet’s Mill
Draco, MelusineTraditional Witchcraft and the Pagan Revival: A Magical Anthropology
Draco, MelusineTraditional Witchcraft and the Path to the Mysteries
Draco, MelusineTraditional Witchcraft for Fields and Hedgerows
Draco, MelusineTraditional Witchcraft for the Seashore
Draco, MelusineTraditional Witchcraft for the Woods and Forests: A Witch’s Guide to the Woodland with Guided Meditations and Pathworking
Draco, MelusineTraditional Witchcraft for Urban Living
Evans-Wentz ,W.Y.The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries
Ford , Patrick K., trans The Mabinogi  (or Gwyn & Thomas Jones translation)
Fortune, DionMoon Magic
Fortune, DionThe Sea Priestess
Foxwood, OrionThe Flame in the Cauldron; A Book of Old-Style Witchery,
Frazier, Sir James G.The Golden Bough: A Study of Magic and Religion (Abridged) – All volumes at the Interneet Archive
Gary , GemmaThe Devil’s Dozen: Thirteen Craft Rites of the Old One
Gary, GemmaTraditional Witchcraft; A Cornish Book of Ways,
Gill, AndreaShugendō: Pilgrimage and Ritual in a Japanese Folk Religion
Ginzburg, CarloEcstasies: Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath
Ginzburg, CarloThe Night Battles: The Night Battles: Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Grammary, Ann
(out of print and very pricey used)
Witch’s Workbook
Graves, RobertThe White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth
Gray, William GBy Standing Stone and Elder Tree
Gray, William GInner Traditions of Magic
Gray, William GMagical Ritual Methods
Gray, William GWestern Inner Workings
Greene, MarianA Witch Alone
Grieve, MA Modern Herbal
Grimassi, RavenGrimoire of the Thorn-Blooded Witch: Mastering the Five Arts of Old World Witchery
Grimassi, RavenOld World Witchcraft: Ancient Ways for Modern Days
Hammerquist, NatalieMedicinal Plants of the Pacific Northwest: A Visual Guide to Harvesting and Healing with 35 Common Species
Hartley, ChristineThe Western Mystery Tradition
Heselton, PhilipGerald Gardner and the Cauldron of Inspiration
Heselton, PhilipWiccan Roots: Gerald Gardner and the Modern Witchcraft Revival
Horne, RogerA Broom at Midnight: 13 Gates of Witchcraft by Spirit Flight (Folk Witchcraft Book 4)
Horne, RogerCartomancy in Folk Witchcraft: Playing Cards and Marseille Tarot in Divination, Magic, and Lore
Horne, RogerFolk Witchcraft: A Guide to Lore, Land, & the Familiar Spirit for the Solitary Practitioner
Horne, RogerThe Witch’s Art of Incantation: Spoken Charms, Spells, & Curses in Folk Witchcraft
Howard , Michael (writing as “Gwyn”)Liber Nox; A Traditional Witch’s Gramarye (a follow-on to ideas and concepts expressed in Light from the Shadows-A Mythos of Modern Traditional Witchcraft)
Howard, MichaelChildren of Cain: A Study of Modern Traditional Witchcraft
Howard, MichaelModern Wicca
Howard, MichaelThe Pickingill Papers
Howard, MichaelWay of the Magus
Howard, MichaelWelsh Witches and Wizards
Howard, MichaelWest Country Witches
Huson, PaulDame Fortune’s Wheel
Huson, PaulLiber Spirituum – The Grimoire of Paul Huson
Huson, PaulMastering Herbalism
Huson, PaulMastering Witchcraft
Hutton, RonaldShamans: Siberian Spirituality and the Western Imagination
Hutton, RonaldThe Druids: A History
Hutton, RonaldThe Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain
Hutton, RonaldThe Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft
Hutton, RonaldThe Witch: A History of Fear, from Ancient Times to the Present
Jackson, NigelCall of the Horned Piper
Jackson, NigelMasks of Misrule; The Horned God & His Cult in Europe
Jackson, Nigel Aldcroft and Michael HowardThe Pillars of Tubal Cain
Jones, Evan John and Robert CochraneRoebuck in the Thicket
Kingsley, PeterIn the Dark Places of Wisdom
Kirk , RobertThe Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies
Kloos, ScottPacific Northwest Medicinal Plants: Identify, Harvest, and Use 120 Wild Herbs for Health and Wellness (Medicinal Plants Series)
Kruse, JohnThe Spirits of the Land: Faeries and the Soul of Britain
Larner, ChristinaWitchcraft and Religion
Laurie, Erynn RowanA Circle of Stones: Journeys and Meditations for Modern Celts
Laurie, Erynn RowanOgam: Weaving Word Wisdom
Lecouteux, ClaudeDemons and Spirits of the Land: Ancestral Lore and Practices
Lecouteux, ClaudeThe Tradition of Household Spirits: Ancestral Lore and Practices
Lecouteux, ClaudeWitches, Werewolves, and FairiesInner Traditions
Leek, SybilThe Complete Art of Witchcraft
Leland, Charles GEtruscan Magic and Occult Remedies
Leland, Charles G.Aradia, the Gospel of the Witches
Lethbridge, T. C.Witches
Luck, GeorgArcana Mundi: Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman Worlds
Mathiesen, Robert and TheiticThe Rede of the Wicca
Matthews, CaitlinArthur and the Sovereignty of Britain
Matthews, JohnTaliesin: Shamanism and the Bardic Mysteries in Britain and Ireland
McKay, Dodie GrahamA Witch’s Ally: Building a Magical Relationship with Animal Familiars & Companions
McNeill, F. MarionThe Silver Bough, Vol 1: Scottish Folk-Lore and Folk-Belief
The Silver Bough, Vol 2: A Calendar of Scottish National Festivals: Candlemas to Harvest Home
The Silver Bough, Vol 3: A Calendar of Scottish National Festivals, Halloween to Yule
The Silver Bough, Vol 4: The Local Festivals of Scotland
All four volumes
Miller, JasonConsorting with Spirits: Your Guide to Working with Invisible Allies
Mitchell, Stephen A.Witchcraft and Magic in the Nordic Middle Ages
Muller-Ebling, Claudia, Ratsch, Christian, and Storl, WolfWitchcraft Medicine
Murray, Margaret A.The God of the Witches
Murray, Margaret A.The Witch Cult in Western Europe
Oberon, AaronSouthern Cunning: Folkloric Witchcraft In The American South
Patterson, SteveCecil Williamson’s Book of Witchcraft
Pearson, NigelTreading the Mill
Pennick , NigelSecrets of East Anglian Magic
Pennick, NigelThe Eldritch World
Pócs , ÉvaBetween the Living and the Dead
Pojar, Jim and Andy MacKinnonPlants of the Pacific Northwest Coast: Washington, Oregon, British Columbia and Alaska
Richardson, Alan20th Century Magic and the Old Religion: Dion Fortune, Christine Hartley, Charles Seymore (Llewellyn’s High Magick Series)
Richardson, AlanDancers To The Gods: The Magical Records of Charles Seymour and Christine Hartley
Richardson, AlanDark Magery (Magickal Diaries)
Richardson, AlanElphame: A Journey into Elven Light (Magickal Diaries)
Richardson, AlanKim’s Book: The Old Religion – A study in the Symbolism of the Moon Mysteries
Richardson, AlanScattering Light: The Quantum Entanglement of William G. Gray & Alan Richardson (Magickal Diaries)
Richardson, AlanSearching for Sulis (Magickal Diaries)
Richardson, AlanThe Earth Priest
Richardson, AlanThe Old Sod: The Odd Life and Inner Work of William G. Gray
Richardson, AlanThe Sea Priest: Inner voyages to Light (Magickal Diaries)
Richardson, AlanVisions at Ewyas: (and whispers from the Magdalene) (Magickal Diaries)
Russell, Jeffrey Band Brooks AlexanderA History of Witchcraft
Skelton, RobinThe Shapes of Our Singing: A Comprehensive Guide to Verse Forms and Metres from Around the World
Skelton, RobinSpellcraft: A Handbook of Invocations, Blessings, Protections, Healing Spells, Love Spells, Binding and Bidding
Skelton, RobinThe Poetic Pattern
Steinbrecher, Edwin C.The Inner Guide Meditation
Stewart, R.JEarth Light: The Ancient Path to Transformation : Rediscovering the Wisdom of Celtic and Fairy Lore (Earth Quest)
Stewart, R.JPower Within the Land: The Roots of Celtic and Underworld Traditions Awakening the Sleepers and Regenerating the Earth (Celtic Myth and Legend, Vol. 2)
Stewart, R.JThe Living World of Faery
Stewart, R.JThe Underworld Initiation: A Journey Towards Psychic Transformation
Valiente, DoreenAn ABC of Witchcraft Past & Present
Valiente, DoreenNatural Magic
Valiente, DoreenWitchcraft for Tomorrow
Walton, EvanelineMabinogion Tetralogy (Children of Llyr, Island of the Mighty, Prince of Anwyn, Song of Rhiannon) – novelization of the Mabinogi
Weston, JessieFrom Ritual to Romance
Whitmore, BenTrials of the Moon: Reopening the Case for Historical Witchcraft. A critique of Ronald Hutton’s The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft
Wilby, EmmaCunning Folk and Familiar Spirits
Wilby, EmmaThe Visions of Isobel Gowdie
Yeates, Stephen JamesA Dreaming for the Witches: The Reconstruction of the Dobunni Primal Myth
Yeates, Stephen JamesThe Tribe of Witches: The Religion of the Dobunni and Hwicce