Moon Cycles
A New Moon rises with the Sun, Her waxing at midday shows. The Full Moon climbs at Sunset Hour, And waning half the midnight knows. Life takes on an added meaning when you match your activities to the waxing ande … Continue reading →
Today, we look at the rich Scottish tradition of Michaelmas, also known as Harvest Home. This festive occasion marks the end of the harvest season and is steeped in history and folklore, dating back to ancient pagan origins.
Continue reading →The Hallowstide approaches and with it, the year ebbs and flows. Most of our Coven is now back “home”, but we are still in abeyance on our meeting schedule due to the vagaries of life.
Continue reading →It’s been quite a while since we’ve had anything to post publicly on the site. That’s part of the ennui of being a group that’s existed for a long time (in our case, since 1992 as Nemed Cuculatii, and before that as StarMist Cuveen back to 1981, Ash was initiated in 1973 and Raven in 1980.)
Continue reading →Beltane: Its History And Modern Celebration In Wicca In America Rowan Moonstone The celebration of May 1st, or Beltane as it is known in Wicca Circles, is one of the most important festivals of our religious year. I will attempt … Continue reading →
A New Moon rises with the Sun, Her waxing at midday shows. The Full Moon climbs at Sunset Hour, And waning half the midnight knows. Life takes on an added meaning when you match your activities to the waxing ande … Continue reading →
Our coven celebrates February 2 as Candlemas, following the custom of our parent Tradition; it is known by many other names, however – Brigidh, Imbolc, Oimelg, and others. The word Imbolc is said to derive from the Old Irish Imbolg meaning in the … Continue reading →
Light the log, and let Pan rule. Blessed Diwali, Festival of Lights, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Yule, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Sol Invictus, Saturnalia, or whatever midwinter Holy Day(s) you may choose to observe, or not, as the case may be. For those … Continue reading →
Knowing how the ancient Celts might have celebrated Samhain can inform our own rituals and rites, but what’s most important is what Samhain means to us […] Source: Samhain: When the Veil is Thin from RAISE THE HORNS with Jason … Continue reading →
Blessed Lunasa, Lugnasadh, or oh, fuck it, Lammas for those who observe the Northern Hemisphere Wheel. For those elsewhere, or otherwise non-observant, Happy 1 August. ?
Continue reading →Whether it’s Midsummer or Midwinter where you are, may your Solstice Moment be still.
Continue reading →Beltane always holds a special place in my heart, it’s the anniversary of my formal initiation into the Craft, back in 1973, in the Georgian Tradition of Wicca. This year, I’m traveling on Beltane Eve, flying back from a writers … Continue reading →
Levy Dew “Levy-Dew”, also known as “A New Year Carol”, or “Residue”, is a British folk song of Welsh origin traditionally sung in New Year celebrations. The song was set to music by Benjamin Britten in 1936. It is … Continue reading →
After an absence of several years, Nemed Cuculatii is observing Samhain this year. Due to work scheduling and the such, our observance will be on November 4, not quite the 15th degree of Scorpio, but as close as we can … Continue reading →