Catnip- Nepeta cataria
Nepeta cataria is perennial and a native to Europe and East and West Asia.
The Latin genus name, Nepeta, comes from the name of a Roman town where it grew in profusion and the species name, cataria, comes from the word for cat. It has been used for at least 2,000 years. Catnip went wherever Europeans tried to settle as it was considered an important medicinal. It is now wild throughout the US. Cat lovers trying to establish a patch might like to remember the old proverb:
If you set it, the cats will know it.
If you sow it, the cats won’t know it
Hang young plants in a tree to strengthen them enough to survive your cats.
Cats are attracted by the smell, which reminds them of the hormonal scent of cats of the opposite sex. Though it is the scent that lures them, some cats will eat the plant, probably to ingest chlorophyll, which cleanses their system.
Leaves and tops are harvested in late summer when in full bloom. But, if you would like a second harvest, cut the plant back hard after the first flowering. This will also encourage a neat compact shape. To dry, hang it upside down away from the sun with good air circulation. Strip the leaves from the stems and store in an airtight container in a cool dark place.
Catnip has other uses besides kitty’s delight. It can be picked young and eaten in salads. It makes a good tea for digestion, calms an upset stomach, and counters colic, gas, and diarrhea. This should not be a surprise as it is a member of the mint family. It is also used to soothe the nervous system. A hot infusion is excellent for colds and flu, and for children’s infectious diseases such as measles because it causes sweating without raising the body temperature. For feverish colds, it can be blended with yarrow and parsley or elderflower, boneset, ground ivy, and angelica and taken as a tea or tincture 4 times a day. It is also one of the best herbal enemas administered for treatment of conditions associated with excess toxins in the blood.
It’s not a showy landscape plant, it does make a nice border plant.
Seeds germinate more quickly if left uncovered. Catnip grows well in most soils in full sun. It often reaches a height of 3′. It has White flowers that attract honeybees, these appear in July and last until late fall.
Resources :
- The Herb Book ~ By John Lust
- Wyman’s Gardening Encyclopedia ~By Donald Wyman
- The Herbalist ~By Joseph Myer
- A Field Guide To Edible Wild Plants ~By Lee Allen Peterson
- Manual of Mythology ~By Alexander S Murray
- Family And Friends
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